Book Boyfriends by Amalia Dillin


The Book Boyfriends of BEYOND FATE


BEYOND FATE coverIn Fate of the Gods, there’s no shortage of book boyfriends for your reading pleasure – and BEYOND FATE, the third book in the trilogy, isn’t slacking when it comes to romantic male leads:


Looking for the tortured, soulful, loyal and trusting to a fault type? Thor is for you!


Prefer the bad boy who needs to be taught how to love? You’re definitely an Adam girl.


Want the boy next door, the best friend who won’t settle down seriously for anyone but his favorite anti-social girl? Marcus might be your true book-boyfriend love.


And poor Eve has her hands full avoiding their advances. Yes, I’ll admit it – there’s a love triangle (maybe even a square), but Fate of the Gods isn’t really about who Eve will choose for eternity. Eve doesn’t live her life with eternity in mind, for starters – she lives it like we do, one lifetime at a time. And that’s what makes her romances all the more difficult. Because no matter who she loves, they’re bound to die and so is she, to be reborn as a child somewhere new, somewhere different, and leave her children or grandchildren or great-grandchildren behind. And starting all over again, lifetime after lifetime, century after century, each one filled with more heartbreak than the last, it’s starting to take its toll.


The question then, in BEYOND FATE, isn’t who Eve will choose to love, to marry, to ride off with, into the sunset. The question is: After all these millennia and so much pain, can Eve find the strength to love at all?


And let me tell you, there are plenty of people depending on the answer to that question, starting with Eve’s daughter Elah, the new Goddess, and ending with the entirety of the world.


But don’t worry! Even if Eve can’t get a handle on her love life, it doesn’t have to stop you from enjoying all her book boyfriends to the fullest!

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