Induction Day by PK Hrezo


Title: Induction Day

Author: PK Hrezo

Series: Butterman Travel, Book 2

Published by: PK Hrezo

Date published: Aug. 31, 2014

Genres: New Adult Fantasy

Book Length: 190 pg

Steam Rating: Sweet & Steamy

Main Characters: Bianca & Tristan

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Is saving 1500 people from death worth losing the only person you love?


BIsynopsisThe year 2069 is coming to a close, and eighteen-year-old Bianca Butterman’s time-craft license is finally official. She’s ready for the Induction Day she’s waited for since she was a kid—the one that will secure her name on the Butterman family tree of time travelers. But ever since the media discovered Bianca is pop superstar Tristan Helms’ latest new honey, everything Bianca does or says becomes a target of criticism. Having her professional credibility topping the gossip sites across social media is an open invitation for the government to step in and regulate Bianca’s Induction. Now she will have to ask herself if saving 1500 people from drowning is worth losing everything she’s ever worked for, including the Butterman family biz.


Welcome to Butterman Travel, Incorporated; a full service agency designed to meet all your exclusive time travel needs. We’re a family owned and operated business with one hundred years of experience. A place where you can rest assured, safety and reliability always come first.


Anxious to attend some special event from the past? Or for a glimpse of what the future holds? 


You’ve come to the right place. We’re a fully accredited operation, offering an array of services; including, but not limited to: customized travel plans, professionally piloted operations, and personal trip guides. *Terms and conditions do apply

Use our Web conferencing to contact our frontline reservation specialist, Bianca Butterman, who will handle all your inquiries in a professional and efficient manner, offering a tentative itinerary and free fare quote, so you can make the most of your time trip.


We look forward to serving you at Butterman Travel, Inc., where time is always in your hands.





Trailer by DA Botta

BIAuthorbioPK Hrezo




PK Hrezo is a native Floridian rarely found without her flip flops on. She shares her home with her firefighter husband, their two children, and big dog named Ripley. When not creating characters and their worlds, PK can be found at her other job of rearranging passenger’s itineraries for a major international airline. The only hobbies she loves more than traveling are reading, writing, and music, and when the four are combined she exists in total bliss.


Purchase links are available via my website at




It’s not exactly what I was anticipating, but I don’t see any better options dancing out in front of me either. This may just work. And I’m running out of time. If I can find Tristan fast enough, we can still see how long it takes to get to the bridge. I want to be ready for departure through the time-port right after impact with the berg.


Guilt wells up from my guts. Guilt for having a way out, and guilt for knowing it, while Adelaide and so many others will panic and struggle and cling to the hope they’ll make it out of the freezing ocean alive. They will never stand a chance. Not tonight, if I leave and take away the very solution I’ve been waiting the last four years to give them.




One Response to “Induction Day by PK Hrezo”

  1. PK Hrezo says:

    Thanks so much for featuring me here today!! <3
    PK Hrezo recently posted…Hello world!My Profile

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