MFEO Tourney



What is MFEO?


MFEO=Made For Each Other, I know…totally Meg Ryan of us isn’t it? The MFEO tournament will be for those books that have couples you can’t help but swoon over, sigh, and know that they are definitely one true pair! We are, tentatively, going to run the tournament in February.


While we haven’t set the official dates and rules I can give you a general idea of what to expect from the MFEO tournament here on Breathless Ink:


  • The tournament will be broken into 3 main categories and 3 sub categories:
    • Young Adult (only 2 sub categories here!)
      • Steamy-some explicit sex (or what counts as it for YA)
      • Sweet-No explicit sex
    • New Adult
      • Risque-Graphic/Erotica
      • Steamy-Some explicit sex
      • Sweet-No explicit sex
    • Adult
      • Risque-Graphic/Erotica
      • Steamy-Some explicit sex
      • Sweet-No explicit sex
  • Books will only be pinned against those that are of the same category/sub-category. We will have a 2 YA winners, 3 NA winner and 3 Adult winners (IF we find that authors would like those three to go against one another it will be done in a manner that is safe to share with our YA readers. This means no graphics containing inappropriate language or nudity will be accepted in this section).
  • If we have enough entries we will do Indie vs. Indie and big pub. vs. big pub (and then possibly a big overall if the authors are interested).
  • We will use the hashtags #MFEOTourney15 and #BreathlessInk.

If you have any thoughts, suggestions, tips, tricks or ideas for the MFEO tourney please let us know!


Want to nominate your favorite couple to be our MFEO winner? Fill out the form below!

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