Drops of Rain

Title: Drops of Rain
Author: Kathryn Andrews
Publish Date: August 11, 2014
Pages: 312 ebook
Series: Hale Brothers

Genres: YA/NA – Contemporary 

Steam Rating: Steamy

Main Characters: Ali Rain & Drew Hale 

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“I loved this book… It confronts issues that are close to my heart. You will fall in love with Ali and Drew and root for them to break though the heartache that threatens to engulf them. Be prepared ladies… ” ~Jen 

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Sideswiped by Lia Riley


Title: Sideswipeddeepbreath5
Author: Lia Riley
Series: Off the Map

Rating: Steamy

Couple: Talia & Bran
Genre: New Adult, Contemporary Romance
Publication: October 7th, 2014




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It was only meant to last the summer . . .


Talia Stolfi has seen more than her share of loss in her twenty-one years. But then fate brought her Bran Lockhart, and her dark world was suddenly and spectacularly illuminated. So if being with Bran means leaving her colorless NorCal life for rugged and wild Australia, then that’s what she’ll do. But as much as Talia longs to give herself over completely to a new beginning, the fears of her past are still lurking in the shadows.


Bran Lockhart knows that living without the beautiful girl who stole his heart will be torment, so he’ll take whatever time with her he can. But even though she has packed up her life in California and is back in his arms for the time being, she can’t stay forever. And the remaining time they have together is ticking by way too fast. Though fate seems determined to tear them apart, they won’t give up without a fight—because while time may have limits, their love is infinite . . .


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AuthorsTalk: Making the decision to go with a publisher


Why I Decided To Sign With A Publisher

by Stacey Nash


I’m aware that this is a somewhat controversial topic, but please… read on. I want to shed light on what it’s like to be published by a digital imprint at one of the big publishers.


Today’s publishing options are far more varied than they were ten years ago. Authors are no longer barred from entering the world of publishing by traditional gatekeepers. If you don’t have an agent, doesn’t matter. If you aren’t picked up by a publisher, who cares: Many people don’t even entertain the idea of submitting to publishers anyway. They want the control and freedom that self publishing allows. And as an author signed with a big publisher, I’m often asked but why? Why would you sign away your rights and a portion of your royalties when you could keep that for yourself? Continue reading

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AuthorsTalk: The Cycle of an Indie Novelist


The Cycle of an Indie Novelist

By Addison Kline
So you’ve got an idea that you’re excited about. You think it would make a really awesome book and you have to write it down. Who knows where this will lead, but so far so good, right?
This book is going to be EPIC!
You begin writing your story. Every day. Type type type…Click clack click clack

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